IBM’s Financial Results: Wrapping Our Heads Around the New Coddiwomple Normal
By Rob Enderle, July 23,2025
Preparing for the Coming Massive Changes: The Flux Mindset
By Rob Enderle, July 09,2025
Lenovo Moves to Address US Healthcare Cost Problem
By Rob Enderle, July 17,2025
Anticipating The Second and Subsequent COVID Waves: Is it Time to Rethink Arcologies? Anticipating The Second and Subsequent COVID Waves: Is it Time to Rethink Arcologies?
By Rob Enderle, June 03,2025
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By Arthur Cole, February 21,2025
Fixing the Sustaining Problem Showcased at the Big 4 Congressional Hearing
中国银河证券:中国银河证券股份有限公司是经中国证监会批准,由中国银河金融控股有限责任公司作为主发起人,联合4家国内投资者共同发起设立,于2021年1月26日 ...
IBM’s Financial Results: Wrapping Our Heads Around the New Coddiwomple Normal
How IBM is outperforming amid the COVID crisis.
Lenovo Moves to Address US Healthcare Cost Problem
Can Lenovo’s innovative programs take steps toward saving America’s healthcare issues?
We’ve all experienced a lot of changes in 2025, and having a Flux Mindset can help us cope with these changes - and see opportunity.
HP’s Sustainable Impact Report: Doing Diversity Right
HP improved diversity - and has greater success and employee buy-in to show for it.